Building in Timber Ridge/ Property Improvements
All building and construction standards are governed by the Archuleta County building codes. A construction permit and a county building permit are required to start construction or site preparation. Prior to applying for building permits from the county, your plans must have already been approved by the Timber Ridge HOA Improvement Review Committee (IRC).
The ultimate governing document for new construction and property improvement in Colorado’s Timber Ridge subdivision is the Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (View all Governing Documents here)
Architectural Guidelines for Building in Timber Ridge – (Updated 10/15/2021)
In addition, there are two key documents that govern new construction and property improvement in Timber Ridge
Once you have thoroughly read the above documents, complete the following application forms as appropriate:
- Construction Permit Application for structural improvements to property
- Property Improvement Application– for non-structural improvements to property
Please mail the signed application, plans, specifications, and other required information to:
CTRHOA IRC at Ra*********@ho*****.com
If you would like to discuss your proposed improvements with a member of the committee, please contact them via telephone or email to schedule a meeting (see Committee Member webpage).
NOTE: If you are building on one of the 35 acre lots, see the policy regarding septic systems for lots 7 and 8.
Legislative Changes Affecting Colorado Common Interest Communities
Effective August 6, 2008, HB2008-1270 give property owners the right to install devices that generate solar or wind energy despite restrictive covenants to the contrary. Additionally, owners can install and maintain energy saving devices (i.e. awnings, shutters, trellises, ramadas, shade structures, attic or garage fans/vents, evaporative coolers, outdoor lighting, clotheslines, etc.). These rights, however, are subject to reasonable architectural controls.