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Timber Ridge Preferred Vendor’s List

  1. Sticks and Stones Land Management, Tyler Albers – Owner


Specializes in, but not limited to the following: Tree Planting, Grading and Drainage, Gravel Driveways, Culverts, Trench work, Earth moving, Landscape Gravel, Trail Building

2. Putt Hill Customs Fire Mitigation Services

(970) 946-8885

  • Putt Hill has serviced Timber Ridge for nearly a decade and will work with you to meet insurance regulations while maintaining the natural setting of the property. 
  • Excellent safety record
  • Arborist work and Hazardous tree removal
  • Call for a free no obligation walk-around on your property and we can show you what will be done and what it will cost. Don’t forget to ask for your Timber Ridge 10% Home Owner Discount!

3. Window CleaningScott Bradford has been servicing Timber Ridge homes for many years and comes with an experienced and insured team that do a tremendous job. Contact Scott at (970) 749-4615. 

4. Ambient H20 – E-One Grinder Pumps
Contact: Steve Hansen; (303) 638-1608 or visit their site at

Ambiente H2O is a full service manufacturer representative firm specializing in pumps, process equipment, and instrumentation for the water and wastewater industries.They are the supplier and maintenance for E-One pumps in Colorado. Our experience is that they have excellent service and fair prices.  They are located in Denver Area but service all of Colorado.

5. Strohecker Asphalt and Paving – Kip Strohecker, Owner.   Asphalt and Sealcoating.

CTR-Metro District uses Strohecker Asphalt. Contact: 970-264-3320   Email:

6. RESPORT Pagosa; (970) 7316900

Specialize in both new and Used Sporting/Recreational Gear and Apparel. Resport offers consignment and purchase of new and used sporting and recreational gear and apparel. So before throwing away that old piece of sporting equipment or hiking gear, give them a call or just stop by. They are next to Rosies Pizza.

7. Jari Sagem, High Meadows Properties, LLC – Property Management Services including security checks, home maintenance services (painters, plumbers, electrical, driveways, etc), home renovations and additions

I am a Chamber of Commerce and BBB member. Please refer to my web site: for testimonials from my customers or call (970) 403-2263.