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We have a variety of social events in 2024! These events are for Timber Ridge residents and their guests only and unfortunately are not open to people who do not live in our neighborhood. 

On the calendar:

Private event = Paying (special event or outside club etc)
Reserved = Homeowner use (band practice , poker)

If you would like to schedule an event at the clubhouse, please contact

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Private Party

Timber Ridge Clubhouse 31 Shooting Star Drive, Pagosa Springs, Colorado

Make Timber Ridge Beautiful

Timber Ridge Clubhouse 31 Shooting Star Drive, Pagosa Springs, Colorado

10:00 AM – Meet at Clubhouse with coffee and enjoy breakfast from a local bakery. We’ll split into groups and tidy the neighborhood

Simply Social

Timber Ridge Clubhouse 31 Shooting Star Drive, Pagosa Springs, Colorado

Head on down to the clubhouse to connect with neighbors and friends!

Pancake breakfast and TR Trail Ribbon Cutting

Timber Ridge Clubhouse 31 Shooting Star Drive, Pagosa Springs, Colorado

Eat some blueberry pancakes and take a guided hike on the trail. Be ready to hit the trail by 9:30. RSVP by May 19th to

The Home Ignition Zone


In recognition of Wildfire Preparedness Month, Wildfire Adapted Partnership will be offering two free workshop opportunities in May. These workshops will help local residents learn more about fire history in southwest Colorado, how the organization is working to build fire adapted communities, and steps that local residents can take to lower their property’s risk of […]

Weed Spray and Education at Clubhouse

We will have an education/spray date on May 27th.    Meet at the clubhouse at 8:30 am. We will have a short educational talk and then spray the weeds around the clubhouse, mailbox  and pump station. Bring a pump sprayer and wear long pants, gloves, and sunglasses for protection. Contact Susan Milford at 281-682-5163 or […]

Private Party

Timber Ridge Clubhouse 31 Shooting Star Drive, Pagosa Springs, Colorado

The Clubhouse is being rented for a private event.

Line Dancing Lessons

Timber Ridge Clubhouse 31 Shooting Star Drive, Pagosa Springs, Colorado

Join us for line dancing lessons at the Clubhouse!

Simply Social – Retro Cats Concert

Timber Ridge Clubhouse 31 Shooting Star Drive, Pagosa Springs, Colorado

Social 6-7PM – Clubhouse Retro Cats concert 7-9PM – Clubhouse

Community Coffee (various driveways)

We’ll be inviting you to bring your folding chair and your coffee to a neighbor’s driveway for an hour of fellowship. Our groups are: Heath / Yarrow / Mariposa ________ Sage / Cool Pine ______ Bristlecone / Kelseya ______ Crown Court / Engleman / Shooting Star @ 25 Crown Ct